Sonic Generations does all of that, plus connects the best of 2D and 3D platforming. If you want a fan-pleasingSonic game, it better have him leaving dust clouds behind his footsteps. Sonic Team, in my opinion, really need to get their level designs down. It is really hit and miss, mostly miss when Dimps is involved. They now focus more on making you move forward through a level instead of giving you obstacles through the game. We get it, Sonic Team; after Sonic Adventure 2 the series became very dark to cater to 14 year olds that think they are goth because they listen to Marilyn Manson.

It’s just a cool way to practice your game development skills. A lot of folks, whether they realize it or not, start with some sort of fan recreation of something they love. The third entry in the Spark the Electric Jester series looks like it’s going to be a solid game.

PGC Digital: the golden rules of game development

Handing the reigns to independent developers might be the best thing Sega has done for the series in years. Green Hill contains elements of Sonic 2’s Emerald Hill, as well as other elements from the 8-bit Sonic games. What worth does a game have if all it does is reference things that came before it? No amount of references could save a game that controls poorly, especially if newer audiences don’t understand the references.

  • It’s an impressively designed demo and has all the heart and feel of Sonic – well worth a go.
  • As Garrett Martin pointed out when the Turbografx-16 Mini released, it was great and arguably the best mini console going when it hit retail, but it could have been even better with a deeper selection.
  • Here are 3 Sonic The Hedgehog fan games that are worth playing.
  • I just don’t like to talk about spoilers if somebody else hasn’t experienced it.

This review is based on a digital PS5 code provided by the publisher. Sonic Origins will be released on June 23, 2022, for Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, Ps5, Switch, and PC for $39.99 USD. Choose to play as one of Sonic’s friends, including Tails, Shadow and Knuckles. Become a home entertainment expert with our handpicked tips, reviews and deals.


Going their separate ways, the three were given a magic medallion that turned them into powerful musical instruments and weapons. From there, a multitude of adventures with more or less success, but a name (and an intro!) hard to forget. These stages ran a little faster than the otherwise-superior Saturn port, too. There’s a rather interesting story behind the music in this port. While it’s presented as rather endearing MIDI recreations, the tunes are still the same arrangements you hear in the Mega Drive original. Until you get to the fourth stage, Carnival Night, at which point veterans will immediately notice that the song is very different.

Need new update. Can’t finish zone.

It would eliminate at least half of my problem with the later games if you pressed a button to accelerate Sonic, rather than used a stick to handle all movement. Collecting rings, turning corners, and avoiding utter frustration would be far easier. You could still do all the jumping stuff, you’d just have Sonic handle more like a car in a racing game than a platformer. I’ve been having this random thought in my head lately and I felt the need to share it with you, the fine Destructoid readers. You see, I hate 90% of 3D Sonic the Hedgehog gameplay as popularized in Sonic Adventure, but I actually quite like the concept.